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Conscious connected Breathwork Workshop

  • Nurture Saddleworth 23 Sam Road, Diggle Oldham United Kingdom (map)

In this 2 hour workshop Danielle will give a short introduction to the workings and benefits of Breathwork, followed by a demonstration of the technique and she will then guide everyone throughout.

Through the practice of Conscious Connected Breathwork, we can shift our focus from our minds to our bodies, embarking on a journey of self-exploration. This technique facilitates access to altered states of consciousness, where our rational mind recedes, and our subconscious mind takes precedence. During these states, we can delve into realms of emotions, insights, memories, and experiences that are usually inaccessible in our everyday conscious state.

In her breathwork sessions, Danielle incorporates somatic meditations to foster a profound connection with our bodies. This connection allows us to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves at levels we may not have previously explored. In our modern society, prioritizing the mind often leads to a disconnect from our bodies. However, our bodies hold a wealth of wisdom that can empower us to effectively manage stressors and emotions that many individuals struggle with in our contemporary way of life. 

This is a trauma informed practice and Danielle has worked to ensure the safety of all people that come to her classes. If you are experiencing any chronic illnesses or server anxiety or have any concerns on whether this class is right for you please email Danielle first on 

To provide a comfortable and secure environment, we intentionally maintain intimate class sizes, limiting the number of participants to a maximum of 10 individuals.

Who’s Leading Your Workshop?

Earlier Event: November 17
Autumn Rest: Yoga by candlelight and Rest
Later Event: December 6
Second Degree Reiki Training